March 13, 2025

Prayer Mountain Bohol Mission Testimony

Backstory on the Bohol Mission

Grace (Charis) is Power (not forgiveness) & The Mind of Christ Module

Teaching as Pdf is here . Text of teaching follows.

1. Grace, Strength not Forgiveness

2. The Mind of Christ Session 7

1. Grace is Power not Forgiveness

The first visions I had when God was explaining GRACE to me left me totally confused. By the third explanation I needed to go to a dictionary because I have never heard anyone teach what he was showing me. Sure enough the dictionary confirmed what God was telling me. Grace does not mean forgiveness, mercy or kindness. It means POWER given to us from God … power to be changed, strength to stop sinning, ability to have a spiritual gift, the anointing to develop the fruit of the spirit and the character of Jesus. Grace (‘charis’) is power or strength.

Still many think ‘Grace’ means forgiveness or is something like God’s permission to sin without being punished, but that’s simply not true. Others think it means kindness or favor, or free stuff. But when the bible talks about ‘grace’ it means something so much more, because grace actually means God’s power, strength or ability given to those who are weak and who seek his help. It’s basically Paul’s term for the Anointing.

So it is how we get a gift, but it also means the blessings released when people use those gifts to bless, heal, comfort, change, transform, protect, guide and refresh God’s people. Like I said, it’s what people often call the Anointing, although Paul didn’t call it that, he called it grace.

Without this empowerment we cannot live overcoming lives as believers … but WITH IT we can overcome all the trials of the entire fallen world and truly be transformed into children of God, resembling him in nature.

So I will explain in this short teaching what exactly Grace really is, why you need it, and where you can freely access it in your time of need.

Visions: First, the Room in My Spirit Being Filled

First, I went to a large Chinese church in Hong Kong one evening, which was my first time there. The ministry team prayed for everyone in the service, laying hands on each of us to impart God’s anointing and blessings and when they laid hands on me I felt the presence of God flow over me and I opened my heart to receive God’s blessing for me and I quickly had a vision of an angel above my head, basically standing directly over me and he looked strong and angular, tough and serious actually, and he spoke and said the Father wanted to talk with me in heaven! I was thinking, Oh yeah! And I got so excited!! We had published 40 Days in Heaven already and I heard many other testimonies of people having heavenly visitations and I wanted to go see heaven myself also, so I eagerly said, “Ok!” and waited.

But nothing happened. So I asked him again, the angel I mean, when was I going, and he said I was already there.

WHAT??!! I got really disappointed but kept my eyes closed and my heart focused on the Spirit of God and just sat down on the floor to stay in God’s presence and concentrate because I was not able to have any sense of the visit to heaven I was apparently having!

It really made me feel bad so I complained, ‘You know, I really am ready to see heaven,’ in case God didn’t know that but I immediately heard the Lord reply and say, “No, you’re not!” and I was shown my spiritual insides—it was a hollow space—what I thought of was one of those hollow gem stones, called a geode, that inside is filled with crystals like purple amethysts. It was a hollow space but it was being slowly filled from the outside in with layer upon layer of some substance like pearlescent paint or again with amethyst-like mineral.

I understood from 1 Corinthians 8:1-3 that knowledge puffs up (makes a hollow space inside of us) but the experience of God’s love fills up that space, literally, builds us up. I had lots of knowledge and so had a hollow, open space in my spirit-man … and now I guess it could be filled up solid … but this strange substance that was coming from God was filling me up very slowly, like one layer of paint at a time, and although it was still mostly hollow, there was a transfer of that amethyst-like material into me that was slowly but surely becoming a part of me.

And I didn’t understand yet, or have any verses explaining it to me yet, but I knew somehow when I saw it that this ’stuff’ was called ‘grace.’ It was a substance.

I see it now like food in a way. If I eat a meal the food soon BECOMES my body. My skin, bones and organs are made up of the food I once ate. You are what you eat. This is like the Lord’s Spirit which is our spiritual food, that we ‘eat’ when we open our hearts to him, worship him, read the bible, spend time fellowshipping with him, etc., and his Spirit nurtures us and in a way ‘becomes us’—As a man thinks in his heart so is he—So we are in a state of growth and transformation BECOMING conformed into his Image, his nature, becoming transformed into Children of God in character. The TWO are becoming ONE.

Again I saw this substance that was filling me and making me solid is FROM HIM but it also IS HIM. He certainly didn’t buy it on ebay. It is His Spirit. And we may call it the anointing but I discovered Paul called it grace.

Vision: Literal Access to God’s Throne of Grace

Shortly afterwards, I had a friend who I was mentoring who was in our church ministry group and she also lived nearby. A little ambitious I suppose and bossy, one day she decided she wanted to take over the ministry. We had dealt with that spirit several times previously and knew what was manifesting immediately, control and rebellion. But I also had a dream of her trying to ‘smear’ me in betrayal and realized God had already warned me. She began to recruit the other ladies in the group to follow her and would take them out of the small meeting as soon as the worship was done to disrupt the ministry training, prophesying, teaching and sharing, quenching the Spirit but what was worse was the gossip. She began to say things about us behind our backs to the other ladies to accuse us of money problems, dishonestly, openly telling the ladies they should not follow me, and other personal insults, most of which were 100% false. I went to the Lord immediately and when I put the case before him he said if I play things right I will come out of this smelling like roses! But some days it was all I could do not be overcome with anger and resentment.

I was in prayer and God said for me to rest, but I know I can sleep for 12 hours and wake up still tired because it’s not physical rest I needed but spiritual strength. So I would go up into the forest to pray, go under a small footbridge over a cool mountain stream and just spend enough time in the presence of God’s Spirit to stop being angry and regain my peace before coming back down again.

So I was soaking under the bridge, trying to get this impartation of his strength and I felt myself go to a large open space in the heavenly realm. First I saw a large person, which I soon realized was the Lord, and I began to recognize his presence. He was in front of a large throne, and by ‘large’ I mean he looked as big as a skyscraper and everything was YELLOW. I looked around and there were a lot of people and then he spoke, You have now come to the Throne … of Grace.” My vision faded but he still spoke, and said we’ve all been here if we’ve ever asked God for strength, even if we can’t ‘see’ it that’s where we are. Then he said cheerfully, “Bring people here.

When I understood this idea more fully I brought this teaching to our ministry group and we prayed for everyone to have strength not to be proud, rebellious, selfish, whatever was the weakness we had that let Satan tempt us to sin. We prayed for each other to overcome and in the process the rift, the growing split in the group was healed before it erupted.

Later people repented for their actions without being reprimanded and the leader of the split was ashamed and after a time left alone to deal with her feelings also restored our friendship. On my own I did not know how to deal with what would have been a major split. Instead of having a big argument and exposing and expelling the rebels in the group, we prayed to release grace (strength) to change the hearts of minds of people going astray and it turned around for all of our benefit and yes, I did come out smelling like roses!

Strength to Win A Battle

So consider this: when you are in a battle and a certain kind of strength is needed to win, and you lack that strength, what does it look like as you fail that battle?

Suppose the battle was one that you needed Love to win, and if you didn’t have enough love to win that battle, you’d fail. Or what if to overcome a battle you needed Joy? Or peace, patience or any kind of emotional or spiritual strength of character?

What would it look like if you failed that test?—slipping into anger, rage, hopelessness, selfishness, ambition, revenge, pride, … and then whatever else you fell into to relieve your stress at your first failure … faking your victory by play acting (hypocrisy), hiding behind a mask of pride (self-righteousness) or less religious sins: drunkenness, lust, pornography, adultery, drug use, or the utter darkness of self harm, suicide … the list goes. Not a pretty picture really! But is this the kind of rare battle that only professional counselors, ministers or superheroes of the faith encounter? No, I think this could be a scene from any of our daily lives.

Or suppose you get a phone call at midnight, and it’s THAT PERSON! Yes, you know who I am talking about—that one who you frankly can’t stand. If you were honest you’d admit your feelings are closer to hate. Maybe it’s your neighbor, co-worker, relative … or your ex! It’s that one who is always making your life so hard. Then without warning they are in real need and they call you for help they just do not deserve, and suddenly the battle is on—will you love them or not? They’ve been talking about you, throwing trash in your lawn, stealing from you, gossiping about you, sleeping with your best friend, and now they’re calling you in tears and asking for your help. Will you overcome your hatred and love them? It’s a battle. Will the answer be, “You’re getting what you deserve! Good!” BANG—as you slam down the phone—or now I guess you just touch the off button very emphatically—I mean will you stick it to them! Or will you let Christ be Christ through you to meet their need?


Let’s get right to the critical issue of your victory: What do you need at this moment to overcome and win this battle? You need strength. But what kind of strength do you need? Physical strength? Money? Good looks? What strength do you really need at this moment to win this battle?

The Apostle Paul Called this Strength ‘Grace’

So after I had these visions I looked up ‘grace’ in my bible app dictionary and found that the word we read in English as ‘grace’ is ‘charis’ and it has four different meanings. First it means to be kind. That’s how we usually understand it. Second, it means to give something for free, and like it, third, it means the free gift you just gave.

So you can say, “Because of my grace, I graced you with the grace of a cup of coffee! Enjoy!”

But there was a fourth meaning of the word my dictionary said, which is the word Paul used to describe the POWER of God. Amazing!! It is from this that we get the words charismatic, charisma and charismata, meaning the power gifts of the spirit. This opened the eyes of my understanding to what God was trying to teach me in those visions because like I said I never heard a man preach this correctly to me.

Paul was obviously very familiar with the flow of God’s Spirit and the presence of God given to empower his children, but I had no clear verses on this. It’s because we normally call this flow and tangible presence of the Holy Spirit the “anointing,” right? But go look up the word ‘anointing’ in Paul’s writings and you will see something odd. Paul almost never used that word! Paul was certainly very familiar with the flow of God’s Spirit, God’s energizing presence and the supernatural strength God gives his people who cry out for help … but Paul just didn’t call it the ‘anointing,’—he called it GRACE.

So yes God is kind and is giving us many free gifts, but in this sense, grace means Power, divine energizing, supernatural strength, certainly not forgiveness to keep sinning, or permission to ignore his commands because they are too hard to obey.

Sing Spiritual Songs

A lot of our popular theology is shared and taught through contemporary Christian music, and I am so thankful for it! But we sing so many songs about Grace, simply because it rhymes with ‘face;’ or we sing about ‘Love’ because it rhymes with ‘above,’ but what are we actually teaching people about these supernatural manifestations of God, and is it inspired and correct revelation, or is it just catchy lyrics?

Worse, the idea that ‘grace’ means ‘forgiveness’ is by far the most common, intended and obvious meaning in our popular music. These ‘preachers’ are teaching an incorrect, earthly understanding of divine mysteries and it’s not good.

Maybe having so many different meanings of ‘grace’ is meant to protect this revelation from the carnal mind? Or maybe it’s the Devil trying to deceive us? Maybe a bit of both. But yes, you can say because of God’s grace he graced us with grace. But isn’t it more clear to say, Because of God’s kindness, he freely gifted us with the power of his Spirit to become transformed into Christ’s character.

So whatever we cannot do in our own carnal, natural strength, we need his grace for. It is to cause us to be empowered to love unlovable people, to empower us with supernatural gifts to help others in ways only God can, to give us a strength in our hearts to trust God in difficult times, to give us energy to not quit when it’s tough, to heal us, to give us divine wisdom to solve problems we don’t understand, to prophesy secrets to us so we can have success in many endeavours … he even told me it includes money! Think of this verse:

2 Corinthians 9:8 And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.

So grace is the empowerment to serve in whatever role God has called you to; to overcome whatever situation you find yourself in, in all things at all times you can be victorious. What do you need to do EVERY good work? Patience, Joy, Peace, Gentleness, Love … in measure beyond the normal limits of human emotions. This empowering actually includes ALL that you need, yes it includes finances, skills, and other material things, but the primary strength you need is not material … it is his supernatural love in you, towards you, then through you to the world.

So this key of Grace opens doors of endless possibilities. Even the sky is not the limit if we can access God’s love, money and power—yes, he told me it even includes money! Whatever you need.

Let’s look at some more Key Verses

Paul knew the power of God was not his own personal stamina. He even said a few times he knew when the strength that he acted in and kept him going was not even his strength!

1 Corinthians 15:10 But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of them—yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me.

Grace has an effect, it causes tangible change, is not just some record in heaven or God’s private decision to forgive you. So Paul said Grace made him what he was, it was the energy in him causing him to work so effectively and tirelessly. Paul often talks about Grace in this way as being ‘with’ him, ‘in’ him or ‘given to’ him.

You see, people cry out to God for strength to make it through myriad problems every day. Is there any crisis God will not help you with? No, he will come to your aid in EVERY situation, and give you the help you ask for, even sometimes the help you didn’t even know you needed! Why? Because God is good, and also because he is glorified when you reveal his strength on earth through your actions. You are meant to be an Oak Tree of Righteousness, displaying his splendor. How? This is how!

But there are people who are gifted and capable in the natural realm, those natural human strength becomes a source of pride and they do not humble themselves to seek God’s even higher wisdom, or strength or healing and so they often fail. This is true for any human strength, which therefore becomes a weakness to us serving God. In our weakness, however, we humbly seek God’s help freely, nothing stands in our way to ask for his help! And so we can get empowered with supernatural help in our weakness, so with him, our weakness becomes a strength.

This is the secret Paul discovered:

2 Corinthians 12:9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.

Paul asked for his painful circumstance to be removed but God decided instead to leave it there . . . but instead to make Paul stronger.

If you think grace means forgiveness … this verse makes no sense at all! But when you understand grace is the power or strength of God, Oh it’s just so obvious!

But maybe the strongest link between lacking Grace and so failing a battle where being like Christ in character is needed is this:

Hebrews 12:15 See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.

This is a major insight. Key words all: Missing the grace, allowing a root of bitterness to grow, many are defiled.

If you are hurt, fearful, stubborn, prideful, you will make trouble for a lot of people. You can’t help it you say! The color yellow triggers me! I hate Mondays! Well, I always get nasty when I have my period! I just need a few beers before I can calm down! … But what if instead you could find the grace of God and not miss it, and heal that frustration, calm that hyper-reactive trigger, find peace without the alcohol? The roots of bitterness within us can be enlarged, or they can be removed. It’s depends on whether you feed into it, or ask God to remove it by his grace. Not just forgiving you so you can keep on smoking, drinking, fighting, hurting people and being generally nasty … but to restore your wounded heart so you no longer harbor these destructive behaviors and appetites within you.

The real purpose of ministry is actually to release the grace of God, usually by laying on hands and praying, to heal the broken hearted, release those in bondage and help open their blind eyes so they can behold the glory of the Lord and be transformed into his image. Isaiah 61 is the goal of our ministry, which Jesus told me is the model of our new life. The impartation of Grace, the flow of the anointing, is what accomplishes this glorious ministry and the outcome is that we can possess the Kingdom in our hearts.

There are many other key verses about Grace being the source of our spiritual and personal gifts (Romans 12:6 We have different gifts, according to the grace given us.), about Grace being ministered to other people when we use these gifts (1 Peter 4:10 Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.), and Grace being the transforming power and strength that causes us to resemble Christ more and more each day.

Grace is the power or strength of God given to us to overcome, be transformed and help comfort the fallen world. It is the anointing; charis does not mean forgiveness, but power.

Being ‘good’ to earn grace?
No. Grace given to you so you can be ‘good’

So maybe we can now understand this means we don’t need to be extra good to get help. It’s when we face a huge challenge and are in over our heads, failing a battle we can’t win that we need to find HELP, FAST! And that help is given because of Jesus’ priesthood, His sacrifice on our behalf, his atoning sacrifice, yes that’s all WHY. But the point is we can go to Him and He will help us overcome, not because we are good, but only because we ask.

Grace is Given to the Humble, not the ‘good’

Then cutting to the quick of our prideful hearts, who gets grace from God? Who gets it? Only the good? Well, aren’t the sick the ones who need a doctor?

James 4:5-7, 10

5Or do you think Scripture says without reason that the spirit he caused to live in us envies intensely? 6But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.7Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

10Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.

Here we see God’s provision for our temptations is not first punishment, but more Grace (strength) to overcome these temptations, weaknesses and challenges. Grace is however only given to the Humble. Also we see that if we but resist the devil, he will flee, not because there is anything from our resistance that he is afraid of, but because our WILL is energized by God’s POWER in us, literally God’s presence or Spirit in us, and THAT drives the enemy away. Our Will, God’s Power.

People who wrestle with sin often run from God. In fact we are allowed to go into God’s presence because we are in need, failing the tests, losing the battles of patience, kindness, humility, love, peace, gentleness … struggling with alcohol, pornography addiction, crimes, drug use … we can go into God’s presence in our weakness to get his help because that’s when we need it the most!

Hebrews 4:16 Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence (boldness), so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

If we can just come into his presence seeking his help we are guaranteed to be strengthened, and so our victory is assured. We can find both mercy (forgiveness) and strength (ability) at his Throne of Grace.

So consider this if you are trying to be good enough to perfect yourself in God’s eyes, Christ’s cross has lost its power for you, Christ is no longer of any value to you, and you have become ‘cut off’—alienated from Him; FALLEN FROM GRACE. (Galatians 5:4). Cut off from the supply of his empowering strength. Now what are you going to do? Supernatural exploits in your strength? Transform yourself into Christ’s image on your own with a 12-step program? Pray for healing and then answer your own prayers?

Jesus told me goodness can become a snare for some people especially if they cannot understand their goodness is not the goal of Christianity, Christ-likeness is. Emmanuel, God-with-us, is. Reunited intimacy with God is. To restore us to where we would have been had there been no fall in the garden is. Human goodness, discipline and religious habits cannot substitute for the active living presence of God in our lives. But people who gain a confidence in the flesh can easily succumb to this deceptive trap. They also fall into religious mistakes. Consider that my religious grandmother, who was very close to the Lord, used to say if she missed the bread and wine of communion on Sunday she didn’t feel right all week. But is God’s power in the ceremony? Is it in the elements themselves? What does the Bible actually say?

Hebrews 13:9 Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teachings. It is good for our hearts to be strengthened by grace, not by ceremonial foods, which are of no value to those who eat them.

So Grace strengthens our hearts when we receive it. (Ceremonial foods on the other hand do not!).

Why then do we only get help in a crisis?

Jesus was not in a crisis when he walked on water, got his taxes paid out of a fish’s mouth, found dinner set for the last supper for him and his disciples, fed thousands more than once from only a handful of provisions. So why do we only seem to get help from God when we are in a crisis?!! It’s first because that’s the only time we believe God will help us!! It’s also because that’s the only time we ask God for real help!

God’s grace covers ALL things at ALL times, having ALL that you need, so we can abound in every good work. But most people try their best … fail … and only then when they hit rock bottom do they finally call out for God’s help, strength, grace. They say, “All we can do now is pray!” Yeah, maybe next time lead with that and you can get help BEFORE there’s a crisis! God’s flow of grace is always available, it’s available BEFORE you fail, don’t wait until there’s a crisis to ask God to make things work!

To recap: it’s not because you are ‘good’ that you get grace, in fact you need the grace so you can be ‘good’ in the first place.

In fact to think that we can earn these things by our good deeds is silly. We need these things to do the good deeds that please the Lord in the first place!

Now I hope its clear that ‘grace’ is not the permission to sin, it is the gift of power or the strength of His character given to us to overcome the struggles of life—without sinning.

And if such a great provision as the power of God to transform us into the very likeness of Christ has been afforded to us because we are believers in Jesus, then how great is the goodness of God! How deep his love for us! How rich his inheritance to us his saints! Hallelujah!

Romans 5:2 …through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God.

People often miss the grace of God simply because they do not understand it. Please share this idea, explain these verses, tell them these revealed truths. There is no reason for people to miss the grace of God that has been so freely given to us!

Key GRACE Verses

1 Corinthians 15:10But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of them—yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me.

2 Corinthians 9:8And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.

2 Corinthians 12:9But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.

Hebrews 12:15See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.

James 4:6-76But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” 7Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

Hebrews 4:16Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence (boldness), so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

Hebrews 13:9Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teachings. It is good for our hearts to be strengthened by grace, not by ceremonial foods, which are of no value to those who eat them.

Romans 5:2…through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God.

Also Romans 12:6 We have different gifts, according to the grace given us.

And finally 1 Peter 4:10 Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.

2. The Mind of Christ

I Corinthians 2:16


What I want to share right now is a true pearl.

If prophecy is like an email, and ‘communion’ is like a zoom call … the Mind of Christ is simply … omniscience—the minds of TWO become ONE!

While seeking the Lord for an upcoming training, equipping and prayer ministry night, I heard Him say it was going to be an impartation meeting and He wanted to impart the Mind of Christ. I was unsure what this meant, but to answer my hesitancy He then said, “You have it.” And later, not as a question, He said, “You will impart it.

I still did not understand so I spent even more time in prayer to better understand what the Mind of Christ is … and how to impart it! The Lord is ever faithful, and He showed me by prophecy, illustration and by explaining some personal experiences I had, what the Mind of Christ really is. And it is positively amazing!

What is Christ’s Mind?

First understand the Father and Son may be ONE, but they are in different positions. Christ is a part of the trinity of the Godhead, but He has a specific position within it, different from the Father and distinct from the Holy Spirit. In this case, the SON is busy on the Earth on Assignment at a Location dealing with specific People and Issues. The Mind of the Father is not limited to this scope and deals with Everything Always, but the Mind of the Son is divine but limited in scope and focus.

So the verse above says, No one knows the Mind of the LORD (the Father, basically) to instruct him, but we have the Mind of Christ (the Son, basically).

When I began to experience this I had omniscient knowledge of things around me. I was not being told prophetically, I KNEW things without being told. I also had new senses, one was an ability to SEE what the Father was doing, which I say was like x-ray vision. He also showed me how the Mind of Christ can solve complex problems instantly that people may never be able to solve.

Once you KNOW this EXISTS then the process of impartation is simple: you ask, seek, knock and then receive with an open heart in patience with a good attitude.

Mind of Man

Let me now go back and repeat what the Lord told me about “the Flesh.” The Flesh is simply the human level Intelligence, human level Understanding, human level Perception, human level Desires and human level Motives. It is the mind and heart of a normal man, not only when dealing with secular issues, but even with regards to religious issues, the bible and Christianity.

The natural mind obviously cannot understand or perceive the spiritual reality of the Lord, know his specific will, or tell what He is doing at any given moment; so a person only using their normal mind cannot have real, specific faith or trust in what to stand on or obedience either. Spiritual things are veiled to his natural sight, mind and understanding. He is ignorant to what God is doing.

And actually, if you think about it, we only believe what we can see, that is, what we can grasp or understand. And the natural abilities only see the surface or basic natural working of things, so we need to use our spiritual senses to see what God is doing, especially when it is naturally ‘unseen’—not naturally perceived. God calls this seeing with eyes of faith, but there is a supernatural function of the Holy Spirit in us that makes it even easier and more real.

Sight (perception) is in the Mind!

Consider also that some animals have camouflage that hides them from other animal predators, but not from human perception. Why do we have this superior ability to see what some other animals cannot? It is not because of the acuity or ability of our eyes. In many cases animal eyes are better at naturally seeing. The real difference is in our ability to understand what we are looking at.

Therefore, it is not the information we gather in photons or colors of light or patterns that causes us to understand and so believe something—but something in our minds. So a spiritual mind is the remedy we need to help us really become able to walk in or live in the spiritual life that Christ is giving to us and letting us partake in.

So the Lord explained to me that the Mind of Christ is a SPIRITUAL ORGAN that is given to us from above that always acts and seeks:

1. to reveal the Father, and

2. to work through the Holy Spirit

Plainly, as He (Christ) is so are we in this world (1 John 4:17 and John 20:21), and so we have been given this impartation, Christ’s spiritual mind, which will help us be able to interact with the Father and Holy Spirit in the same way Jesus did, to understand what the Father wants, and then to be able to do it by the Holy Spirit’s power, enabling us to faithfully do our share of Jesus’ earthly ministry.

It solves problems; even Reveals People’s Thoughts!

Then He showed me a vision of a black, twisted knot, and this mind touched it and the knot immediately unraveled itself. The Lord then said the Mind of Christ “unravels dark problems,” unsnarling them, making them plain. This is a big area that he did not at that time elaborate to me, but it includes understanding wisdom, which is a spiritual insight, as well as understanding knowledge, facts about things and what to do. It is a supernatural problem-solving ability. We are familiar with Word of Knowledge and Word of Wisdom, prophetic insights of what to do and what is happening. The Mind of Christ accomplishes this but without the conversation. I later saw many times when Jesus “knew their thoughts” … this was the ‘Mind of Christ’ in action.

Matthew 9:4 But Jesus, knowing their thoughts, said, “Why do you think evil in your hearts?

Matthew 12:25 Knowing their thoughts, he said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will stand.

Luke 5:22 When Jesus perceived their thoughts, he answered them, “Why do you question in your hearts?

Luke 6:8 But he knew their thoughts, and he said to the man with the withered hand, “Come and stand here.” And he rose and stood there.

Luke 11:17 But he, knowing their thoughts, said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and a divided household falls.

1 Corinthians 2:11 For who knows a person’s thoughts except the spirit of that person, which is in him? So also no one comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.

In these cases Jesus was NOT TOLD what they thought, do you understand? He KNEW it. How? He tapped into a divine omniscience so he would be able to reveal the Father and work through the Holy Spirit to glorify him!

X-Ray Vision to SEE what the Father is doing

Soon the Mind of Christ began to function in me and it actually revealed visually what the Father was doing; I could literally SEE this. Clearly God is always doing many things around us which are above and beyond the perception of the natural human mind or senses, but these things are not hidden to the Mind of Christ.

A friend was on a very challenging ministry assignment to pray for a very sick relative which soon became praying to raise the dead!! He called for prayer support, not knowing what to do. Suddenly I felt the Mind of Christ come onto me and I felt it as a spiritual brain, and it was attached by an elongated brain stem to a spiritual heart.

Later I met someone who actually wrote a book on the Heart of Christ from personal revelation, Esteban Antonio, called From Heart to Heaven, which the Lord said to me is an important mandate for the Body. He said this is the emotions and passions that Christ had, and it is his soul replacing our soul in one way of thinking.

These two spiritual organs, the Mind of Christ and the Heart of Christ, are somehow connected and function together. And when this Mind came onto me, I could SEE in COLOR like as an X-Ray all the things God was doing around that person. I could SEE where God was working (on certain relatives not others) and so I could also see where God was NOT working (on the dead man).

So Jesus said he only did what he SAW the Father doing, and that is what the Mind of Christ actually sees.

John 5:19 Therefore Jesus answered and was saying to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, unless it is something He sees the Father doing; for whatever the Father does, these things the Son also does in like manner.

We misquote this verse often thinking Jesus only did what the Father TOLD HIM to do, but that is not what Jesus said and not what he meant—He could literally SEE what the Father was doing in front of him!

If you can imagine TV reception by antenna, or a cell phone data signal, this signal is invisible to the natural human eye, but through the TV or phone it is received, decoded and made visible on our screen. This is what the Mind of Christ does to what the Father is doing: the Mind of Christ REVEALS the Father’s will he told me. It perceives and decodes what the Father is doing so you can see, understand and follow it. This in a way is the foundational basis of real dynamic, powerful faith: knowing personally what to believe the Father for as you go on a case by case basis, not based only on verbal instructions by prophecy which you may still need to confirm, clarify and interpret—and not only on general scriptures which you have NO IDEA if they apply to you, now, in this situation—but you will have confidence in what God is doing and so faith in what to believe with such an interactive stream of revelation and ‘sight.’

The Mind of Christ is unlike Prophecy

We also misunderstand this above verse I think because we are familiar and comfortable with the idea of prophecy, the idea of being TOLD something by the Lord, which is a message that comes from Him ‘out there,’ and which we as individual people receive ‘down here’ and then look at it, judge it, chew it over. With prophecy the Speaker, the Hearer and the Message are three separate things. But with the Mind of Christ this is no longer so. It is beyond prophecy, and instead of there being a clear separation of our mind and His, the two become ONE, and we actually begin to operate in unity of thought with Him. We start to have his thoughts in our own minds in an intimate way.

I’ll say that again, when we prophesy a message is heard by us which we usually know is coming from another source different from us: the Holy Spirit, Jesus, the Father or an angel. We hear the Lord’s voice separately from ours, and we can look objectively at a message, hold it at arms’ length and judge or test it. And when we are ready to give a word, we then release and consciously and purposefully redirect it out to the community by consciously speaking it forth, or by holding on to it until later, or maybe even just keeping it private just to know ourselves. Sometimes God will TELL YOU to deliver a word in a certain place, or time. I’ve heard prophesy even introduction phrases, “Thus Saith The Lord …” He has said himself before speaking through me sometimes! Other times he tells me an idea and I am allowed to share it when and how I want to. Sometimes it is just for me to know and you to find out.

The spirit of a prophet is subject to the prophet, making the act of prophesying something we manage intentionally. That is what Paul was saying in 1 Corinthians 14:32. We can be orderly in our meetings when we share since we control when to prophesy to release what is bubbling up through our spirits.

The Mind of Christ, however, seems to replace our mind or thought process and is not so much about delivering a message to others, but is more about the internal operation of our private thought life being linked to the Divine Mind. His thoughts and our thoughts actually become merged. We think and feel as He is thinking and feeling. The content is also far deeper and rich than messages and information in spoken words to usit is the internal thoughts and feelings of the Lord and they are deep, deeper than human language, deeper than human conscious understanding. But he can still tell us to share a word, or rather we will know to share a word which will look like ‘normal’ prophecy to people listening, even if it comes to us differently.

And so I say if Prophecy is like sending a letter or an e-mail, then Communion, or fellowshipping with God in Spirit, is more like having a live chat, or a zoom call. Then functioning in the Mind of Christ is more intimate still, more intimate that lovers making the most of their private time. There is no real internal dialogue between you and Jesus when you share the same Mind. Instead our minds are one, and our very thoughts are joined, so we think his thoughts, there is no distance between us to cross with a message, instructions, or a ‘word.’ Even lovers do not share this kind of intimacy!

We share our thoughts with the divine mind—that’s why I say we enjoy a kind of ‘limited’ omniscience. Not the eternal Mind of the Father commanding every atom in the universe, but the Mind of the Son on assignment, in a limited location, dealing with specific issues. In this case we do not step back to observe the flow of ideas externally coming to us, since we observe them as our own thoughts internally seemingly coming from within us!

Let me give one last example

So I was playing a very simple computer game to relax one night and I had to shoot colored targets with matching color fireworks. There were three colors that would come up in a random order, and suddenly during the game I realized I knew what the next color was going to be. I was 100% accurate for several minutes, and why it was so shocking to me is that it was not the Holy Spirit prophesying to me, or telling me what was going to happen next—I myself was knowing the supernatural reality as it was happening in real time.

I’ll try to explain more. I was not ‘hearing’ this in my spirit, so it did not come as a message to me, “Eddie, the next color will be gold!” Instead I had no separation of the insight and my very thoughts … I was just aware of this knowledge as intimately as I normally think to myself as I look around the room and see the keyboard on the desk, the pencil stand, the speakers … the next color in the game was going to be gold … there’s some loose papers by the monitor, my pencil is in need of sharpening … the next color in the game will be green … and so on. My mind was transformed into a spiritual mind that was plugged somehow into God’s omniscience—I was actually a little startled at first, even though I’ve been prophesying for nearly 20 years by then and it was only revealing the simple facts of a video game, not deeply spiritual truths from God’s deep, eternal mind! So I should have been more prepared I suppose, but I had never even heard of God doing this before so it was new and very exciting.

Later, this ‘knowing’ began happening when people were speaking to me, when I would just know what they were going to say next or the point they were going to make. Again, I was not guessing, and I was not discerning it like I would discern spirits; I was not hearing the Holy Spirit tell me as a prophetic word, nor was I getting a word of knowledge, which also comes to me as a distinct message or as an impression or as a voice, usually in my heart, saying, “Next she will say this and that.”

No, this is not a separate message of truth given to me as a listener, or a feeling of discernment … these are MY THOUGHTS that are somehow streaming live from God’s divine mind! Wow!

I told you this was a pearl—definitely meat, not milk!

What I also notice is that when I share many people tell me they’ve experienced this and just didn’t know what it was. But now you’ve heard me testify, you’ll understand and have faith to seek it, receive and operate in it too!

So to recap, the Mind of Christ:

Is a spiritual organ that always seeks

a. to reveal the Father, and

b. work through the Holy Spirit. (motives)

It shows us what the Father is doing. (perception)

It is connected to the spiritual Heart of Christ. (desires, motives and emotions)

It unravels dark (unclear) problems, or solves mysteries. (intelligence, and understanding)

It is unlike the gift of prophecy—it is in place of our own thoughts, we are more intimate with Christ that we can be even with any other human in any way. Amen!

Foundations of the Kingdom website link page is here.