We need to have our own development company Jesus said, or else we will be ‘scalped alive’ by locals. That sounds like a lot of work but it began to make sense.
But then He said to name it ‘purple’ and I said, you’ve got to be kidding. He said look for the word purple in a different language. I found the Hebrew color from Murex shell called tekhelet, its also used in priests garments, etc.
” Tekhelet is a “blue-violet”, “blue”, or “turquoise” dye highly prized by ancient Mediterranean civilizations and mentioned 49 times in the Hebrew Bible/Tanakh. It was used in the clothing of the High Priest, the tapestries in the Tabernacle, and the tzitzit affixed to the corners of one’s four-cornered garments, including the tallit.”
I also had a vision of a local American builder I worked with a few years ago.
¶¶ Vision of Baxter … Baxter silhouette, saw a great light behind him. [is it about working with HIM or I need to do what he is doing? ] He could NEVER work with a faith project simply put. What is his role? … I think NO ROLE, but he means or represents something. He would NEVER be able to work with us on a faith project.
Also God said to set up a hardware store. He said to focus on tools. I said, well, ok but I need a name. He said, “DIY Hard Ware” and I groaned. At the time I had never seen the Die Hard movies, which were not great movies really. But this is what he said. Locally there is already a DIY-named builders store, but its not “DIY Hard Ware” .. its a good day to … DIY HARD WARE!
and we’ve also come up Fortress Prefab, an arm of the production side that just makes concrete or other prefabricated materials or sections or components. He showed me a disused coconut drying factory for rent and said thats a perfect place to use to make wall sized house sections in. We can build a house in just a few days if we make the walls in concrete prefab panels and ship them on site and fasten them together in various ways. This is already being done but we actually thought of it in prayer ourselves before we knew it! Making a house in a day does not seem important, until you understand God asked us to build a VILLAGE for child care and a village for elderly care. Each of these developments may need 50 to 100 houses to 500 or more home units. If we can prefab sections in a factory we can actually set up 5 or 10 house structures in a day actually.
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