March 13, 2025

Prayer Mountain Bohol Mission Testimony

Backstory on the Bohol Mission

US100 to 150k is coming … FIRST Build a Church

The small islands off the coast of Jetafe near Cebu
have some of the highest population density housing
on the planet!

God said he will send us US100 to 150K. Samuel heard a confirmation immediately. I asked why is it a RANGE and not a specific number? That’s just what Ann heard, $100k to 150k.

God later said to plan to build a family house for a budget of P4m, and a church for P2m. He later he said to do the church first, then I can do what I want, eg, make the family house. So that is the plan.

He also said the family house is important because it will be a training place for the next generation of ministers.  He said use STEEL frame and gave many other insights and directions on this design. I call this the LILY HOUSE.


But once we get funding enough to move, and prayer back up and direction … then we will start o do more active ministry. God has said to start a church, that’s already going to be great. But we will seek to do two other things, God willing: Bible school and Jetafe Ministry hopefully with the Ati.

Jetafe was the latest vision, a vision of a pump boat waiting for us. What else will we need? If the Ati are not ready it will be hard for me and Ann to do it on our own, so that’s a key. Also there will need to be some budget to set up a small venue in the islands. I think we can work within this overall budget at least for routine costs. We will hopefully have a reliable car by then but will need prayer back up.

The Bible school first intake will probably be several Ati. They will need food and a place to stay so they can focus on training. It may only be 3 or 4 months, but they mostly live day to day, hand to mouth, and cant afford to not work every day! The bible school God said is the key to the revival and God said yes we can start … as soon as I feel I am ready. So … do I feel ready? Prayer support, budget and etc. will help me a lot. It’s a question but on the front burner.