It was shock when I took this picture
because the reflection in the window was
the very image from a vision God gave me,
telling me I was indeed in the exact place
where I belong, like a puzzle piece fitting in!
April 2022, Fasting for Breakthrough
First thank you John and Ruth! And Daniel! And everyone else!
I began fasting last week and God asked me to fast one day, then eat the next, then fast the third day, then eat, then fast three days, then take two days off … that’s where I am now (April 23)
So far he said it won’t take 40 days to accomplish this breakthrough. He said it is already coming, or that it is already HERE. That means receiving the breakthrough is more important than asking God for it, right? He has already said yes. Is that what you think this means?
And I am already feeling so much more full of energy, and I stopped feeling so weighted down and drained, so much so, that I am being very productive and my mind is very clear. And I made this website to communicate openly with people who are with as like elders or mentors and also any core pray team members. I am still tryin to keep it brief, but God has been giving us many deep revelations, and clear instructions on many projects … I hope you can browse this site quickly so you can get a better idea of what God is leading us to do. I used to be a lawyer, literature major, entrepreneur, and do not take these instructions lightly. I am not chasing fantasies and I am not just day dreaming. I check everything over and over and over before I embrace it and always seek outside prophetic confirmation where I need to clarify something I am unsure about. These promises of God are potentially world-changing and honestly, far, far over my head. I had a dream of a Whale that blew me a Bubble that God explained to me and he is asking me to share part of this right now:
The whole dream is posted here. Afterwards I asked Jesus to explain it to me and he spoke to me for a long time in conversation to give me a brief explanation. At one part in the dream I was high up in a mountain but in a mountain valley, and below me I saw a WHALE in a stream, which blew a BUBBLE up for me to catch. I jumped down the slope to reach out and catch it, but needed help to get back up to where I was before. He later told me this WHALE represented his plans for me. He said, “They are so big I cannot swallow them, THEY have to swallow ME! It gives new meaning to being ‘in the belly of the whale’ now doesn’t it?! … This ‘bubble,’ which is a similar word to the Hebrew term for ‘prophecy,’ is then the vision I am sharing on this site. And yes, it’s HUGE.
So why am I fasting. Why are WE fasting? What do we want God to do? I want to open up some of his words to you … so we can at least be in agreement when we pray and discuss things that we want God to open up to us!
God is telling me all the time for the last many months to GET READY …. get ready for what? For what you we been planning. For what he has been telling us to do. Stick to the plan, he said. Follow the plan.
So these are the areas we are facing obstacles in that are blocking us from seeing God’s plans open up. These are the key things we are fasting for:
- A PRAYER TEAM. … He said there is no other way forward. It’s been ten years trying to get a team to pray with us. I recruited a prophetess from South Africa once and 24 hours after starting to pray she wrote back to me to say the warfare was too hard and she was quitting!!! Praying for the prayer team again, just last month or so Jesus showed me a vision of a battle tank, like an M1A1 Abrams. There are so many obstacles we face to do God’s will he said, “You need a TANK.” This is why I think God connected us, John and Ruth. So ‘let there be a Tank!’ Amen! Then he said to focus on 4 projects right now and the article on these four is also posted on this site, but what follows here is the same info but with some more prophetic background details.
- INITIAL FUNDING … God has said he would give us a car many times but it has failed to arrive many years. He said he sent us money last year but it was diverted. He keeps saying his money to us is being blocked or somehow being stolen. Last year he said he would sent us US$150k by the end of the year. With this money he said to build a church, then build a house and do what I want with the rest. This never came. I shared recently as God asked me to that he said all his promises to me re being delayed but they will suddenly all manifest one on top of the other like a VOLCANO ERUPTING…. he said wait for it, keep planning, keep going, it will come, it will EXPLODE ONTO ME …. And I saw a HUGE WAVE of WATER/MONEY: years ago when I began to serve God full-time I had a vision of many gates in a line and only one opening. It let out so little water, it was like a trickle whereas the gate was quite large. It felt like it was not really even enough water (money) to live on! This continued for a long time in the vision: gates NOT opening, the one that was open was barely letting 1/10 of 1% of its volume through. … SUDDENLY far above the tops of these gates, maybe 20 times taller than all of them A HUGE TIDAL WAVE came crashing over the scene. If the one gate was letting in only barely enough money to survive, this was many, many tens of millions of dollars. …. Another time God said he would show me Satan’s fortress blocking my money, I was scared. I strengthened myself in the Lord and turned to face it … and burst out laughing to see what I had been so afraid of. It was not a fortress, it was a pile of sticks held together with string, manned by a stupid, out-of shape, overweight demon. He was keeping me from all the money provision God had given me, preventing me from doin whatr God was calling me to do. He ran away yelling, “Here they come!!!”
- FISH FARM … he first began to tell me this project in 2008 I think. I came here ready to start!! He has since shown me really nice land and said to thank him for it! It is about 7 acres, 2 kilometers from the ocean at an elevation of 115 meters. He asked me to grow a red grouper in large numbers from eggs we will hatch, and to sell them to the Hong Kong live reef fish market. He gave me many specific details about their biology, feeding and how we are to build this farm. The initial cost to start will be about Php69 million. He said do not go below that budget. He said our first sales trip, which will be within 8 or 9 or 10 months, will earn back HK$19 million. He said we wont be in full operation for about a year, and we will be able to TRIPLE the monthly output in biomass by about month 14 to 16. At this point we will be exporting US$6 million in live red grouper a month. Converting the currencies is confusing, and they fluctuate, but at today’s exchange rate, let me say it all in US$ like this: Initial investment of US$1.32m … first sales trip revenue US$2.4m … typical monthly export value after a year and a half of US$6m. Jesus asked me to name this project the Bethsaida fish farm. Do you know what this name means? It means, The House of Fish. I have literally thousands of pages of work product on every aspect of this operation and God said I am ready to start. He just told me a few weeks ago to focus on this project right now.
- CONSTRUCTION … He asked me to build 50 nice homes in a development that he showed me in a vision was like where I grew up in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania. He said to use my name in this development title but I have not found a name I like yet, working title Edward’s Greens. He said to start this as soon as I find the land. I found the land which he confirmed is the right land, in 2015! Last year I began to study Frank Lloyd Wright and am designing nice homes with influences from his work and guidance from the Holy Spirit. I am not sitting around wasting my time! But I can only move this so far forward before I need some real help! I study construction and architecture every day to prepare myself. He said I will feel at home in this development, the average sale price is to be Php7m each, and that we must operate our own construction and development company or we will be ‘scalped alive’ by the locals. He said to name the construction company PURPLE. And I said please no! He said look for the word PURPLE in another language and I found TEKHELET, which sounds like a TECH-nology related word, but is the Hebrew word for the color of purple / blue from murex shells that they used on priests’ garments, so Tekhelet Konstruction. He also said to make a hardware store focused on tools and to call it “DIY HARD Ware” and other instructions. Ready to begin! Cost would be US$5 million in total and revenue maximum would be around US$7 million, earning at most US$2m, probably less. Different investors for different projects he said. Some people better understand and would rather invest in houses than aquaculture, to each his own. I saw myself in a vision, nice and chubby, hard hat, standing in an open area directing a construction site. Could be me building the housing or the fish farm, or both … can we please get started!?
- HELPERS / CO-LABORERS … Last year a friend prayed and said God would soon raise up local Filipino professionals to work with us to fulfill God’s plans. Amen! We suddenly got into contact with some of Ann’s old missionary friends from her teenage years working with Teen Mission International. Many of them now are architects, lawyers, engineers, etc. but most seem very immature and doctrinally hostile to the Holy Spirit and we are unable to identify if any of them can work with us, or even if any believe in prophecy any more. I think God has chosen some of these people but God has to reveal who and how to draw them out. I had a vision 10 years ago of 100 people with blue faces and God said he was sending these 100 people to help me. Why are they blue I asked, and he said, “They reflect what they have seen … they have seen ME.” Amen. Who and where are these people?
- MINISTRY according to PROPHECY … the Ministry is my main task. He recently asked me to set up a retreat camp in the center of the island, and I also saw a vision of a ‘house of healing’ nearby in Carmen where the Chocolate Hills are. He asked me to make a bible school in two tiers and said this is the key to the revival. He said he was going to raise up a whole new generation of ministers from the youth and asked us to train them with the revelation he gave me, especially on Foundations of the Kingdom and a Prophets Training School. He asked me if we can do one seminar a month and at the time I said of course! We can do two! But once we got here we’ve been only able to host four seminars in almost 10 years, which is personally very painful. I saw the angel of the revival and he is like a combination of every major General you’ve ever seen all rolled into one. A very serious dude! He commissioned me, gave me like a thing on my head, I think Jesus called it a coronation. Jesus told me the revival here will make history, it will be legendary. I saw a vision of a huge throne over the center of the island high in the heavenlies. It was empty but I expect this is the throne of authority over the island and he wants me or us to sit in it. I was prayed for by Maurice Sklar once and saw Jesus give me a mantle of long feathers. He took my hand and said come with me! We began to fly over the hills in the center of Bohol, what I now know is the Chocolate Hills in Carmen, and small feathers were coming off me wherever I went. This is a healing mantle and he said more than a healing gift he is giving me a HEALING MINISTRY… I am not sure exactly what this looks like. I also felt my arm start tingling with power and he said it was a special kind of miracle anointing. … When I pray now I don’t see any miracles, healings or really anything anymore … it’s frustrating … He said so many times, I will double your double; I got some fancy sweets from a friend once and he said open it, take out two. I did but FOUR fell out and he said, I will double your double. He said don’t tell people, but because they are unfaithful with money he was going to give me THEIR money to manage and that’s why he was giving me so many large projects to run. It is meant for other people to own and run but they are unfaithful so he gave their ‘talents’ to me. Part of the revival is a huge economic restoration, which is why there are so many businesses involved, the Theme Park, the manufacturing, even the car racing, the last thing we will do he said. He asked me to elevate the Filipino people in the world’s eyes, and in their own eyes, back up to where they belong in the international realm. They have not just been humbled but humiliated. He sent me to overturn this shame. He said he was giving me an EMPIRE. Others were getting kingdoms to rule, but he was giving me an empire. One of our kids saw this vision himself. Jesus told me I am to help his people sit on their thrones to rule their inheritance like kings. SMALL ‘K’ kings, he stressed, only Jesus, himself is the Big “K” king, he also said this to me, that he is making me a king, but remember it is with a small k. He said he was giving me the key of understanding in showing me the revelation of Foundations of the Kingdom, etc, and that without me they will not understand. I can see that people walk in many of the things he showed me already, but they do not understand why or how or how it relates to other areas we must also operate in. And I have NEVER heard anyone share some of the things he told me, such as Isaiah 61 or the Mind of Christ.
- FAMILY … it’s a lot of kids, a lot of problems, a lot of laughter and a lot of love … he said to start an orphanage in my house as soon as we are settled in, and we did, and these kids are now my family and I never use the word ‘orphan’ to describe any of them. We have many serious prayer needs and many children we have in our home now or previously have real problems: victims of rape, incest, drugs, homesexuality, crime, poverty, witchcraft …. or all of the above at the same time; we do not openly share these issues but have a password protected page on this site about the main children and families we are helping personally and their problems; its hard actually. Our home is a ministry base and some kids need a home but cannot stay with us God said for obvious reasons. …. We have been doing our part, even when we had 25 in my home and so little money to eat we had to scavenge food from the mangroves or wild trees!!! We got evicted so many times, we’ve stayed in 13 homes in less than 10 years. But we are in a much better position now, but still ask and value prayer for the children God has send us to help … But God’s plans are far bigger than this. He asked me to plan a large orphanage and I made plans for 100 or 200 kids in a dorm and he said no, its too small. So I just doubled the model and he said again with like impatience, “No, ITS TOO SMALL!” … OK THEN, what if I make a university sized campus, an entire village! YES HE SAID, THAT’S RIGTH! He showed me the number of children he wants us to care for. The Philippines has about 2 million children in need of help. Do you think God only wants us to help 200 of them? He said no, 10,000 …. he said this idea of a “childrens village” we are making is going to become famous and draw funding from many sources. He gas similar plans for an elderly care village too.
This is the main focus I am looking at in my fasting right now. God is also showing me personal purification, patience, but, well, you can see what God has called us to and why we need a prayer team like a TANK! I look forward to your feedback, prophecy and so much value your prayer and fasting for us!
So yes there are 30 or more other projects coming: horse riding school, new town, theme park, media, hotels, manufacturing, car racing, etc., but he said not to focus on them right now. These other projects can be read about on this site as well, but the fasting and breakthrough needs to be focused on what God said we need to focus on, so I posted the FOUR FOCUSES article to highlight this clearly. Its easy to get overwhelmed, but this is why God also made the vision SMALLER for us. He wanted to make it even larger!
We REALLY value your prayers to open up these blocked finances, workers, to make up for lost time and “take Bohol by storm” as he promised. Amen. I welcome and value your feedback!
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