These are the Seven Modules we plan to share on for the Opol Seminar in June which will be used for our Bible School content as well.
Three session notes are already done first draft, but they are more like book chapters, and will be used in the Bible School as well once finished. Session 4 is ministry training for prophetic inner healing and not a lecture teaching. We will also start with a demonstration of hearing God’s voice in communion and only then teach on, so this is a long session, but the notes are ready as a draft.
These are still DRAFTS and I am preparing them as fast as I can, but they are not yet edited very well … some are just my notes still … be kind!
This seminar we will have 7 sessions in total, which are:
1. ‘Communion-hearing God’s voice,’ and will start with a demonstration.
By Communion we mean deep prayer when you connect with the Holy Spirit in your heart and open up two-way real-time conversation, but Jesus told me he just calls it having fellowship with us. This first session we plan to start with a demonstration after worship. I may talk for a few minutes to get people ready but then will take 3 or 4 people up to the front and lead them into personal communication with the indwelling Holy Spirit and show them how close he is and how easy it is to hear his voice. Only after we will share a more detailed teaching on the topic. Session write up in pdf, June 16.
2. Baptisms, Water vs Fire
We will have a teaching session on Baptisms to explain the Gospel of the Kingdom and the Holy Spirit baptism and how it differs from the Gospel of Salvation and water baptism. Why did Jesus/Yeshua not to do any water baptisms himself? This will reveal why Moses was not allowed to enter the promised land but had to let Yeshua/Joshua bring the people in instead. … This is a key insight as to why Jesus told me that the way most people minister in church will NEVER produce his Kingdom … This will highlight the importance of the Kingdom and the need to distinguish the ministry of John and Jesus. Session notes write up in pdf, June 16.
3. Isaiah 61: The Model of Your New Life
This is the explanation that Jesus gave me that will show the true nature of the ministries that unlock and release the blessings and the EXPERIENCE of the Kingdom, of Immanuel—God With US—Inner healing, deliverance and spiritual fellowship. This makes it clear why Paul said the Kingdom is NOT A MATTER OF TALK, but of POWER because it is how God enables people to POSSESS the promises, and not just talk about them; it is to transform people into the actual character of Christ, not just know doctrines about it. This means the GOAL of ministry shifts, and therefore so must the TOOLS we use and the RESULTS we expect. This is WHY we have the Baptism of Fire, what we are supposed to DO WITH IT and what will happen to people who are transformed by it. Session write up in pdf, June 16.
4. Inner healing.
A practical training session, not really an explanation of doctrines. This is the biggest ministry that makes the most impact and change in people’s lives and is the fastest way to grow, fastest way to change and has the most results in any discipleship, training or maturity ministry activity. This leads people to become able to receive God’s blessings because it heals their hearts, breaks bondages, enlightens their eyes so they stop being so much a part of the problem as they were when they were broken, wounded, in bondage and blind. Power tools to achieve supernatural transformative results.
5. Demonstrate Power (and also Teach Revelation)
These two shifts in the WAY we minister are explained by Paul in 1 Corinthians 1 and 2 are the dividing line between Man’s Ways, Faith in Man’s wisdom and Man’s self-empowerment — basically man’s ways–and the Kingdom of God where we rely on HIS POWER, on HIS WISDOM and on God’s WAYS to achieve GOD’s RESULTS instead. The sickness we face is reliance on the ways of man’s flesh which are rooted in Man’s Human Level Understanding, Human Level Intelligence, Human Level Perception, Human Level Motives and Human Level Desires, Jesus told me. The Flesh is the enemy of God within us that cannot be reformed or rehabilitated, it must be put to death. These two revelations reveal WHY and HOW we can put to death the Flesh in the Ministry within the Church to unleash the Kingdom instead in our ministry and service to God. When you minister you must Demonstrate the Spirit and Power of God … and Teach the hidden mysteries he revealed to you (basically Teach Revelation). Session write up in pdf, June 16.
6. Leadership, Diversity of Gifts, Equipping the Saints
These three keys are inter-related and so can be combined into one teaching. The leadership model in the world is the Spirit of NO, and this is a very common way leadership attitude within most churches. Whereas in the Kingdom Jesus told me his leadership is the opposite, it is the Spirit of YES. This affects HOW we lead and train people around us to succeed, or if we compete against them, sabotaging, blocking and undermining their development in fear of their eventual competition against us. This equipping or training must also reflect the diversity in the Body as explained in Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12 and Ephesians 4, and allow people to rise up and serve in the roles God created them to serve in–if not the Body will never mature because it only does so when “each does it part.” Men block God’s real equipping by their natural selfish leadership style but also do not allow the real diversity of ministries to function in their communities … it is like they are somehow trying to win a spiritual race … with a broken car they refuse to fix. It’s like trying to cater to a wedding feast by serving only salads with just lettuce and onions! God wants the ENTIRE Body in all its multifaceted roles to be build up in love, and be allowed to offer their unique ministry graces for the common good; God wants to offer a complete meal of full nutrition with dozens of ingredients and components all working together, there is no other way to mature the Body of Christ. Session write up in pdf, June 16.
7. Grace, Mind of Christ …(Pdf of these teachings here)… and finally, Love the Unlovable.
The last four keys can be explained in a way to give people a better view to HOW they can be equipped to function in God’s kingdom to meet the needs of the people around them. Grace is not forgiveness, it is power, we call it the anointing, but Paul called it Grace (charis). Jesus explained this very clearly and expressly to me, and it will change how you pray, why and what you receive when you pray.
Second is what I call Communion, which is an entire book by itself, but is what we started the 7 sessions off with. It is a way of connecting with the Holy Spirit in deep prayer to enjoy two-way conversations in real time with the God of the Mysteries of the Universe, who tells his secrets to his close friends. Most people don’t hear God’s voice simply because they are too noisy and need to simply quiet themselves down and listen. There is no other way to function in the Kingdom actually, since we cannot do it on autopilot with a handful of general doctrines and basic instructions. Thankfully we don’t need to either. This teaching is above, but it belongs thematically in the ’empowerment’ category so I normally group it with Grace and Mind of Christ when teaching.
The last TOOL that God asked me to include in this teaching is the Mind of Christ: not prophecy, not communion, but when your thoughts and Christ’s are ONE, and you THINK his thoughts; this gives us a kind of limited omniscience, x-ray vision of what the Father is doing, and even the ability to know peoples’ secret thoughts around you without ever being told. Prophecy is like a radio, Communion is like a live zoom call web-chat, the Mind of Christ is well, it’s omniscience–not the mind of the FATHER who is tending to all planets and angels and controlling every atom … but the mind of the SON who is on mission in a specific location with a specific task for specific people. … (Grace and Mind of Christ PDF teaching here.)
Above ALL Put On LOVE (no materials as of yet!)
What all this leads to is the last KEY, which is WHY we serve people: why and how. Why we demonstrate the Spirit and Power and lead like a servant, why we heal and free people, why we sacrifice to serve anyone at all. Men may have many hidden desires and motives why they are ministers, why they do an outreach, why the counsel and teach, disciple and pray for people … but only one reason is pure and rewarded by God the Father. The Key of the Kingdom above all these other keys, and the one that ties them together, and gives them all purpose and meaning is the Key to Love the Unlovable. This is the heart of God that MUST be created within us if we are to be counted as the most faithful and effective ministers and servants of his Kingdom … Love the Unlovable. All else is vanity, a noisy distraction.
By topic list these seven modules are:
1. Communion- Hearing God’s voice – Pdf
2. Baptisms: Water and Fire – Pdf
3. Isaiah 61 – Pdf
4. Inner healing – no materials
5. Demonstrate Power (and also Teach Revelation) – Pdf.
6. Leadership, Training, Diversity – Pdf
7. Grace, Mind of Christ … pdf … Love the Unlovable – no materials yet
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Grace (Charis) is Power (not forgiveness) & The Mind of Christ Module
Demonstrate The Spirit’s Power & Teach Revelation Module
Leadership * Diverse Gifts * Equipping the Saints MODULE