Our main HUB site is for public view, and public sharing. It is a ministry front page. And I do share some personal things there, but not much. It’s not really about me, but about what God told me.
Within this site there is a semi-private WIKI background section that is yes, more personal and more private background information on the mission, and so is more detailed and revealing, but it is also not so extremely personal and also is very BRIEF. This is not hot-linked from the main site and will be password protected. These 50 pages or so primarily just discuss what is currently relevant LOOKING FORWARD. It is good for new team members to get quickly caught up to speed on what we are being asked by God TO DO NEXT.
But when people are called to either pray or mentor us like an elder would, they may need to know more of the very personal background details–more juice! A lot of this is very hurtful or embarrassing to share and not really fit for public exposure. We name names, we share prophecies and insights that may be damaging or insulting to people called by name. This is not fit for public sharing but is nevertheless important to understand how we got here, and why God said to do a thing or why not to work with a certain person.
Other revelations are shared in full elsewhere, where available. The main revelation for the Body that God gave me is Foundations of the Kingdom, and that is a special message and is on its own platform, as are other books or articles. These are all hot-linked from our main ministry HUB site and in presented for public sharing.